Thursday, May 23, 2019

Puppy Facts - Frequently Asked Questions About Puppies

Frequently Asked Questions about puppies:

How old do puppies have to be before you can start holding them?

You can start handling your puppies as soon as they are born. Just be very gentle!

How long until puppies start running around?

Usually puppies will start to run around a little when their eyes open at about 2 weeks of age. By the time they're 3 weeks old they'll be on the go all the time. :)

When do puppies lose their puppy teeth?

Most dogs lose their puppy teeth when they're about 4 months old.

At what age do puppies stop teething?

By the time a dog is 7-8 months old he or she should have all of their adult teeth and won't need to teeth anymore. But chewing doesn't necessarily mean teething. If your puppy has had its teeth for awhile, he's likely mouthing. This is how dogs communicate and learn about the world. Make sure your puppy has lots of things to chew on, and if he chews on something he's not supposed to, firmly tell him NO, but never scold or punish the puppy. Do not allow your puppy to chew or bite people - if he does, make a yelping noise to indicate to the puppy that it hurts.

When can puppies start eating puppy food?

You can start weaning puppies to mash (puppy kibble soaked in warm water) when they're about 3-and-a-half weeks old. If you think your puppies aren't getting enough milk from their mother you should weigh them twice every day (once in the morning, once at night) - they should be gaining a little bit of weight everyday. If they aren't, you need to get some puppy milk replacement formula and bottle feed them.

How old does a puppy have to be to give it a bath?

You can start giving puppies baths when they're around 4 weeks old. Their mom will keep them clean before then. Remember to use a mild puppy shampoo for young pups.

What age can puppies start getting their shots?

Puppies can start getting their vaccines at 8-9 weeks old.

What are the signs and symptoms that my puppy has intestinal worms?

  • Bloating of the stomach (a pot bellied appearance)
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Dull coat
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy (low energy)
  • Coughing
  • Dry, hot nose
  • Pale lips and gums
  • Watery eyes
  • Small white worm segments around the anus (tapeworms)
  • Excessive licking of the puppy's anal area
  • Scooting around on its rear end
  • Sticky saliva
  • Bad breath

How do I get rid of my puppy's worms?

Take your puppy to the vet ASAP. Worms can be fatal to puppies in serious cases.

At what I age should I worm my puppies?

Puppies should start being wormed start being wormed at 4 weeks old every 2 weeks, until they are 12 weeks old. At that point they should be wormed monthly until they are 6 months old, and then once every 3 months.

How long does it take for the puppies immune system to fight off parvo?

Without active treatment, most infected puppies will die from parvo. Your puppies immune system will not fight off parvo on its own, it needs medication and care from your veterinarian. Parvo is very infectious and very deadly. If you think your puppy has it, get them to the vet NOW. If you wait, it may be too late for your puppy.

What is parvo?

Canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV2, colloquially parvo) is a contagious virus that mainly affects dogs. The disease is very contagious and is spread from dog to dog by contact with their feces. For puppies it is especially severe as they are not protected by maternal antibodies or vaccination. There are two distinct types, a cardiac and intestinal form. The common symptoms of the intestinal form of parvo are severe vomiting and dysentery. The cardiac form causes respiratory or cardiovascular failure in young puppies. Young puppies with parvo should be immediately hospitalized by a veternarian. If left untreated, the mortality rate is as high as 91%. There are vaccines that can prevent this infection.

At what age can I sell/give away my puppies?

Not until they're at least 8 weeks old at the very minimum. Puppies need time to play and socialize with their litter mates to develop their social skills.

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